In 2010, 62 earthquakes occurred in the Gulf of Aden in succession. Rumors on the Internet suggest that these earthquakes were due to the opening of the Stargate, known as the Stargate Event in the Gulf of Aden. The Stargate incident in the Gulf of Aden is a gateway through which we can travel to other space in the universe. As soon as the news came out, many fleets from many countries were sent to the Gulf of Aden.
I. Details of the Stargate Incident in the Gulf of Aden
From November 14 to 11 a.m. on November 15, 2010, 62 earthquakes occurred successively in the Gulf of Aden. The earthquake affected areas including the coast of Djibouti (west coast of the Gulf of Aden) and the coast of Yemen, as well as the Gulf of Aden. According to the open information of the Stargate incident in the Gulf of Aden, the total number of Somali pirates is about 1000, resulting in an annual loss of about US$100 million. But the cost of dispatching warships is far more than that.
2010年11月14号开始至15号上午11时,亚丁湾连续发生62次地震。地震波及的地区包括吉布提海岸(亚丁湾西岸) 和也门海岸附近,以及亚丁湾。且据对外公开亚丁湾星门事件资料显示,索马里海盗总计人数千人左右,造成年损失约为1亿美元。但各国出动军舰部队需要的费用远远超过这个数字。
From November 14 to November 15, 41 earthquakes of magnitude 2.5 to 4.5 occurred in the waters of Xingmen incident in the Gulf of Aden, most of which were about magnitude 4.0. In addition, 10 earthquakes with magnitude 5.0 or more occurred. The incident attracted the attention of governments, sending naval vessels to investigate the site of the incident, basically on the grounds of combating Somali piracy.
Rumors about the Stargate incident in the Gulf of Aden have been circulating for more than two years. As early as December 2008, a series of articles signed Sorcha Faal appeared on a well-known "conspiracy theory" website to discuss the links between military operations in the Gulf of Aden and traditional conspiracy topics such as UFO, Bible stories, the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. The word "Stargate" has already appeared in these articles.
网上关于亚丁湾星门事件的传言,其实已经传了两年多了。早在2008年12月,在一个著名的“阴谋论”网站上出现了一系列署名Sorcha Faal的文章,讨论亚丁湾的军事行动与UFO、圣经故事、美苏冷战等一些传统的阴谋论话题的联系。这些文章中已经出现了“星门”这个词。
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