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——Rothschilds 25-Point Plan For World Domination

1773年,梅耶·罗斯柴尔德 (Mayer Rothschild) 模仿犹太人耶稣有12门徒,召集12名犹太富人至法兰克福,要求他们汇集其资源,并提出控制世界的财富、自然资源以及人力的《25点计划》。

1. 应用暴力和恐怖手段,而不是不切实际的学术讨论方式。
Use violence and terrorism rather than academic discussions.

2. 宣扬「自由主义」:来篡夺政治权力。
Preach 'Liberalism' to usurp political power.

3. 发动阶战争。
Initiate class warfare.

4. 政治家必须伪善和狡诈,遵守过多的规则会使政治家易受伤害。
Politicians must be cunning anddeceptive-any moral code leaves a politician vulnerable.

5. 取消现有的命令和管理机构一一颠覆现有政权,重建全部现存机构。
Dismantle 'existing forces of order and regulation'.M Reconstruct all existing institutions.

6. 躲在暗处,直到它获得一一没有任何欺诈和势力能够损害它的实力之时。
Remain invisible until the very moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.

7. 应用暴民心理学去控制大众,「没有绝对的独裁,一个人将不能有效地进行统治」。
Use Mob Psychology to control the masses. 'Without absolute despotism one cannot rule efficiently.'

8. 提倡应用酒精、药物、道德堕落、及罪恶的各种形式,通过代理人来有系统的腐蚀青年。
Advocate the use of alcoholic liquors, drugs, moral corruption and all forms of vice, used systematically by 'agenteurs' to corrupt the youth.

9. 无论如何要抓住有用的道具以获取服从和主权。
Seize properties by any means to secure submission and sovereignty.

10. 煽动战争和控制和平谈判,以便参战者都不能获取领土,将他们置于更深的债务一一因此落入我们的掌握之中。
Foment wars and control the peace conferences so that neither of the combatants gains territory, placing them further in debt and therefore into our power.

11. 选择「对我们的要求奴颜和顺从的」做公职候选人,他们作为我们游戏中的棋子或许会被迅速使用。
Choose candidates for public office who will be 'servile and obedient to our commands, so they may be readily used as pawns in our game.'

12. 利用新闻媒体的宣传,控制全部公众信息的发布,而我们则躲在幕后,远离批评。
Use the Press for propaganda to control all outlets of public information, while remaining in the shadows, clear of blame.

13. 使群众相信他们已经成为犯罪的牺牲品,然后我们以救世主的面目出现,并重新恢复秩序。
Make the masses believe they had been the prey of criminals. Then restore order to appear as the saviors.

14. 制造金融恐慌,利用饥饿去控制和征服大众。
Create financial panics. Use hunger to control to subjugate the masses.

15. 利用共济会的大东方分会渗透共济会,利用慈善事业掩盖我们的工作的真正目的。在异邦人 (异教徒) 中间散步无神论一一唯物主义世界观。
Infiltrate Free masonry to take advantage of the Grand Orient Lodges to cloak the true nature of their work inphilanthropy. Spread their atheistic-materialistic ideology amongst the 'Goyim' (gentiles).





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