
时间:2022-05-04 08:02编辑:世界冷知识来源:世界之最(img.1221vip.com)当前位置:V眼看世界 > 世界冷知识 > 手机阅读

16. 当我们的握有至高无上权力的世界君主加冕的那一时刻来临时,他们的权势将会粉碎挡在他们前面的任何障碍。
When the hour strikes for our sovereign lord of the entire World to be crowned, their influence will banish everything that might stand in his way.

17. 利用系统的欺骗,冠冕堂皇的词语和流行的口号。「在后来都可以把已经许下的诺言推翻,这是没有任何风险的。」
Use systematic deception, high-sounding phrases and popular slogans. 'The opposite of what has been promised can always be done afterwards.That is of no consequence.'

18. 恐怖统治是实现迅速服从的最经济有效的方法。
A Reign of Terror is the most economical way to bring about speedy subjection.

19. 应用手腕伪装成政治、金融、经济顾问,以实现我们的代理统治,从而不用害怕「躲在政府和世界事务背后的神秘力量」的暴露。
Masquerade as political, financial and economic advisers to carry out our mandates with Diplomacy and without fear of exposing 'the secret power behind national and international affairs'.

20. 最终的世界政府是我们奋斗的目标。这就有必要建立起空前的垄断,因此甚至异教徒的巨量财富也要依赖我们到这种程度一一他们会和他们的因巨大的政治动荡而破产的政府信用一起被踩在最底层。
Ultimate world government is the goal.lt will be necessary to establish huge monopolies, so even the largest fortunesof the Goyim will depend on us to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of their governments on the day after the great political smash.

21. 采用经济战,掠夺异教徒的土地财富,应用高税收和不公平竞争的联合方式掠夺异教徒的工业。
Use economic warfare. Rob the 'Goyim' of their landed properties and industries with a combination of high taxes and unfair competition.

22. 使异教徒彼此消灭对方,从而使世界上只剩下最下层阶级、极少数奉献于我们事业的富翁、和足够的用以保护我们利益的警察和士兵。
Make the 'Goyim' destroy each other so there will only be the proletariat left in the world, with a few millionaires devoted to our cause, and sufficient police and soldiers to protect our interest.

23. 我们把它称作新秩序,并委任一个独裁者。
Call it The New Order. Appoint a Dictator.

24. 通过教授我们知道是错误的理论和观念,来欺骗、迷惑和腐蚀社会的年轻成员。
Fool, bemuse and corrupt the younger members of society by teaching them theories and principles we know to be false.

25. 扭曲国内法和国际法,使之互相矛盾一一首先掩饰法律,之后将法律全部掩藏。(用我们的意志) 取代法律的仲裁。
Twist national and international laws into a contradiction which first masks the law and afterwards hides it altogether. Substitute arbitration for law.





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